Evangelist Louise Prince is a a retired school teacher by trade. Now a full time traveling Evangelist, you can book Evangelist Prince for a workshop at your location!
If you have never heard Evangelist Prince preach, you are indeed missing a treat! Biblically sound, with a unique story-telling technique; Evangelist Prince is sure to bless the men and woman of God with her timely messages . Contact Evangelist Prince today and prepare for a move of God!
Evangelist Louise Prince is now a published author! You can order her new book, Rapture Alert Severe, which is hot off the press (February 2020). Visit the Books page to order. Bulk orders available.
Soon, Evangelist Prince will also have CD’s for sale so that you can take the message with you! Stay tuned!
Welcome to the official website of Evangelist Louise Prince. Here you will have the opportunity to learn more about the mission, message and the mantle placed on the life of Evangelist Prince.
A licensed and ordained minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, Evangelist Prince has been gifted to challenge both the saint and the sinner to accurately examine the fulfillment of Scripture and compare it to current events. “I Pray You All Be Ready!”, is not just one of Evangelist Prince’s many catchy slogans, it is truly her hearts desire to see all souls ready and prepared for the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Evangelist Louise Prince has been used as God’s mouthpiece to minister the word of God, both nationally and internationally. For close to 40 years, she has preached a powerful and relevant Word of God that impacts souls of all ages.
A retired school teacher by trade, Evangelist Louise Prince is a wife, mother and grandmother who resides in the State of Tennessee with Martin, her husband of 54 years.
Evangelist Louise Prince
Evangelist Prince is academically, theologically and Biblically sound!
Bishop Robert T. Douglas, Sr. PhD Diocesan, Central District Council of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, 66th Episcopal District
Evangelist Prince provides an analytical digest if Scripture provoking one to muse and meditate long after the spirit-filled message is preached.
Dean Mary Jordan, DD Dean of Aenon Bible College
Evangelist Prince is a modern day midwife and prayer warrior who remains hungry to seeing souls saved.
Sfg. Bishop Bryan E. Harris, Pastor Emmanuel Temple Apostolic Church
To Book Evangelist Louise Prince for your next spirit-filled event, visit the Contact page or call 661.547.1557
Click here to support the ministry of Evangelist Prince.
Due to the travel schedule of Evangelist Prince, please allow 24-78hours for a response or reply. We thank you for your interest, and pray you all be ready!